Have Fun While Doing Laundry

Woohoo!  It’s laundry day.  Aren’t you just beside yourself with excitement and anticipation?  You get to spend the entire day surrounded by burped-on baby clothes, smelly athletic wear and a myriad of mystery stains and smells that have yet to be classified.  But it’s fun.  Laundry is fun!

You’re probably sitting there shaking your head and thinking that laundry fun ranks right up there with the other great oxymorons of our time…great depression, jumbo shrimp, clearly confused and original copy.  That’s totally understandable.  However, Mr. Appliance® would like to issue you a challenge.  We think that if you follow our tips to have fun while doing laundry, you will no longer look at laundry day with the same dread as that of a root canal appointment.  We think you may just end up, dare we say…you may just end up having fun while doing laundry.

Listen to Music

That’s kind of a no-brainer.  Music has this spectacularly clever, yet discrete, way of simply making everything better.  But you can even take it to the next level and create a special playlist devoted solely to laundry days.  Put on your favorite, toe-tappin’, hip-swingin’ tunes we bet you’ll have a pep in your step that gets you through the laundry lickety-split.

Watch a Movie

If you’re the type who tosses the clean laundry on the couch to fold all at one time, a laundry-folding movie could be completely appropriate.  If you fold one load at a time, then make it a Netflix day.  Check out your favorite 30-minute show and watch an episode each time you fold a load of laundry.

Involve the Kiddos

This is a win-win altogether.  First, it gets the kiddos involved in household chores – win.  Second, it can be a lot of fun – also, a win.  Have a contest to see who can fold the most towels.  Or bring in a bucket and see who can “dunk” the most sock balls.  We guarantee there will be plenty of laundry giggles.

Spice up the Laundry Room

If your laundry room is drab and boring, you won’t enjoy spending time there.  Add a splash of color with paint or wallpaper. How about a coat of chalkboard paint on the washing machine?  The possibilities are endless!  Toss in a couple of colorful buckets for sorting and some funny laundry-humor signs for the walls then you’ve got yourself one really cool laundry room.  A room you can most certainly have fun in while doing the laundry!

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